Co-authored with Andrea Cornwall and Jerker Edström, in “Men and Development: Politicizing Masculinities”, Andrea Cornwall, Jerker Edström and Alan Greig (eds), Zed Books: London and New York (2011)
Men and masculinities have captured greater space in development’s ‘gender agenda’ over the last decade. The growing visibility of gender violence and HIV has given rise to exciting gender work with men, addressing the impact of norms of masculinity on how they think and act as men. Yet there seems to have been relatively little transfer of energy or experience from initiatives focused on the more internal and interpersonal aspects of men’s lives to efforts to address the unjust effects of men’s privilege in the worlds of politics and the economy. Organizations working with men on gender issues are often surprisingly silent when it comes to gender injustice in the public sphere, from men’s dominance of leadership positions to persistent gender pay gaps. Mobilizing to demand equal pay, equal rights and equal representation still seems to be as much ‘women’s work’ as doing the housework.
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