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In 2021, an internal review recommended that UN Women’s gender equality work with men and boys shift from a “male engagement” framework to one focused on transforming patriarchal masculinities, explicitly addressing patriarchy and its various forms of violence. The Transforming Patriarchal Masculinities (TPM) framework calls for a transformative approach, requiring deep, lasting changes not only […]

Co-authored with Dean Peacock, Rachel Jewkes and Sisonke Msimang. Gender has long been recognized as being key to understanding and addressing HIV and AIDS. Gender roles and relations that structure and legitimate women’s subordination and simultaneously foster models of masculinity that justify and reproduce men’s dominance over women exacerbate the spread and impact of the […]

Increasing attention to the role of gender inequalities in driving the HIV/AIDS epidemic has resulted in a growing interest in the possibilities and difficulties of HIV prevention work with men. The primary challenge of this work, as identified by Rao Gupta above, is to correct the “imbalance of power” that creates vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. Framing […]