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Co-authored with Thea Shahrokh and Sushmita Preetha Deep-rooted patriarchal systems uphold gender and class-based inequalities in Bangladesh, within which the issue of land distribution and use remains integral to the transformation of poverty for a large number of women and men. Nijera Kori is a national social movement organising landless people to claim their rights […]

Co-authored with Andrea Cornwall and Jerker Edström, in “Men and Development: Politicizing Masculinities”, Andrea Cornwall, Jerker Edström and Alan Greig (eds), Zed Books: London and New York (2011) Men and masculinities have captured greater space in development’s ‘gender agenda’ over the last decade. The growing visibility of gender violence and HIV has given rise to […]

This chapter discusses the politics of men’s roles and responsibilities in efforts to end gender-based violence. Feminist analyses of the arrangements of power and male privilege that both produce and are produced by such violence make clear that ending such violence cannot simply be a matter of individual men changing their violent behaviour. Political action […]