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Co-authored with Michael Flood Any assessment of the evidence for gender transformative work with men and boys should consider the conditions that have shaped the emergence of this work. Male-focused gender transformative work has a history, or rather histories. Reviewing its evidence base in light of the forces and factors which have informed its emergence […]

Research tells us that socially constructed gender norms which associate masculinity with power, violence and control, play an important role in driving conflict and insecurity. Many men across the world oppose these rigid, inequitable and violence-endorsing norms, and work in solidarity with women and those beyond the gender binary to resist them, although in many […]

Co-authored with Jerker Edström and Chloe Skinner Amid a rising tide of misogyny and gender violence across the world, terms like “patriarchal backlash” have increased in use to describe similar trends in different settings. Yet, backlash remains contested as a concept, variably perceived as an expression of male resistance, a patriarchal restoration, or a mode […]

The rise of far-right parties in many parts of the world threatens the work of human rights and social justice NGOs. In 2016, Oxfam first analyzed the electoral ascendancy of far-right populist political parties, and the charismatic leaders representing far-right movements. This analysis concluded that civil society organizations working on human rights and social justice […]

Co-authored with Thea Shahrokh and Sushmita Preetha Deep-rooted patriarchal systems uphold gender and class-based inequalities in Bangladesh, within which the issue of land distribution and use remains integral to the transformation of poverty for a large number of women and men. Nijera Kori is a national social movement organising landless people to claim their rights […]

Co-authored with Gaurav Jashnani and RJ Maccani, in “Engaging Men in Building Gender Equality”, Michael Flood and Richard Howson (eds), Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Newcastle upon Tyne (2016) In her contribution to last year’s Kilburn Manifesto (Rustin 2013), an online statement in twelve monthly instalments about the nature of the neoliberal system which now dominates most […]

Co-authored with Thea Shahrokh and Jerker Edström This paper discusses the process and progress of the Men and Masculinities stream of work within the Gender, Power and Sexuality (GPS) programme, supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). In relation to the overarching programme’s emphasis on linking local voices to global arenas to influence […]

Co-authored with Andrea Cornwall and Jerker Edström, in “Men and Development: Politicizing Masculinities”, Andrea Cornwall, Jerker Edström and Alan Greig (eds), Zed Books: London and New York (2011) Men and masculinities have captured greater space in development’s ‘gender agenda’ over the last decade. The growing visibility of gender violence and HIV has given rise to […]

This article explores the notion of ‘troublesome’ masculinities that characterise much of the policy discourse and programme thinking on problems of young men and gender. It critiques the dimorphism that shapes this view of young men’s gender trouble, and the ‘culturalism’ that constrains the perception of the troubled times in which many young men live. […]