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In 2021, an internal review recommended that UN Women’s gender equality work with men and boys shift from a “male engagement” framework to one focused on transforming patriarchal masculinities, explicitly addressing patriarchy and its various forms of violence. The Transforming Patriarchal Masculinities (TPM) framework calls for a transformative approach, requiring deep, lasting changes not only […]

Co-authored with Michael Flood Any assessment of the evidence for gender transformative work with men and boys should consider the conditions that have shaped the emergence of this work. Male-focused gender transformative work has a history, or rather histories. Reviewing its evidence base in light of the forces and factors which have informed its emergence […]

Research tells us that socially constructed gender norms which associate masculinity with power, violence and control, play an important role in driving conflict and insecurity. Many men across the world oppose these rigid, inequitable and violence-endorsing norms, and work in solidarity with women and those beyond the gender binary to resist them, although in many […]

Co-authored with Jerker Edström and Chloe Skinner Amid a rising tide of misogyny and gender violence across the world, terms like “patriarchal backlash” have increased in use to describe similar trends in different settings. Yet, backlash remains contested as a concept, variably perceived as an expression of male resistance, a patriarchal restoration, or a mode […]

The multiplicity of crises that mark the contemporary era, the polycrisis, also constitutes a crisis of hegemony. This article explores the functions of gendered racialisation in elite management of this hegemonic crisis, with reference to Gramsci’s use of the figure of the Centaur, a hybrid of humanity and animality. It discusses the ways in which […]